Mrs Debbie Scarff Tel: 01823 589233

Mr Jonathan D Rossiter FRCOphth

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon In Taunton, Somerset

Mrs Debbie Scarff Tel: 01823 589233

Mr Jonathan D Rossiter FRCOphth


Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon In Taunton, Somerset

Lens Capsule Laser Treatment

 Lens Capsule Laser Treatment

About 1 in 3 patients will develop scarring behind the lens implant after cataract surgery, known as 'posterior capsule Opacification'. This will cause gradual blurring of vision, similar to cataract. It may take months or even years to come on. Thankfully it is very treatable with an invisible laser, known as YAG laser capsulotomy. The treatment is done in the consulting room, is safe, painless, takes only a few minutes and the visual improvement is immediate.

During cataract surgery, the lens capsule (skin of the cataract) has to be left behind to support the new artificial lens implant. Microscopic lens fibres may be left behind because it is not possible to see or to safely remove them. These can gradually grow and swell causing thickening of the capsule which causes the blurred vision. Opticians are able to identify this and refer patients for laser treatment.
NHS waiting times for this laser treatment are typically 4 - 6 months.
At the Nuffield Mr Rossiter has available a YAG laser and can offer rapid treatment.
The treatment is very safe, painless and takes only a few minutes.

Would you like to discuss suitability?

To discuss your requirements and suitability for this procedure please make an appointment to see Mr Rossiter.