Mrs Debbie Scarff Tel: 01823 589233

Mr Jonathan D Rossiter FRCOphth

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon In Taunton, Somerset

Mrs Debbie Scarff Tel: 01823 589233

Mr Jonathan D Rossiter FRCOphth


Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon In Taunton, Somerset

The First Consultation

Some points for you to consider

Please do not drive yourself to the first appointment as it is often necessary to dilate the pupils in order to complete a comprehensive eye examination. This does blur the sight for about 3 to 4 hours.

Reception at the Nuffield in Taunton
Cataract surgeon

Please remember to bring your most recent glasses, a list of any medications you are taking, your GP's name and address and, if appropriate, your Health Insurance details.
You can expect to spend about one hour in the consulting rooms. Every effort will be made to see you at your scheduled appointment time, however occasionally delays occur due to the complex nature of some eye problems. 
The results of your examination and if necessary, any further tests necessary will be fully discussed. A treatment plan will be proposed and agreed. You can expect to receive a copy of the correspondence sent to your GP within 1 week which will summarise the consultation.